Alice in Wonderland – 2022 Bigger Picture Show

2022 marked the 12th Annual Bigger Picture Show, presented by Lodge Design & Marketing, benefitting the Indy Film Fest. The event was at the Circle City Industrial Complex where 90+ posters depicted the multiverse of many memorable films.

This particular year, I was able to work on a poster of one of my all-time favorites – Alice in Wonderland! I will say I re-watched Disney’s animated movie as well as the live-action films directed by Tim Burton for research. It had been a while since I had watched any of these films, and as soon as I watched them my love for these movies moved my heart in a way that I wanted to make my own style of these characters for this Bigger Picture Show.

My illustration combined my favorite parts and pieces of each movie, as many as I could work into the design. I tried to limit my color palette to yellow, teal/green, blue, red, and purple, and I created a skinny vertical frame that characters and elements break out of slightly to try to get the viewer to come in closer to the design.

Illustrated in Procreate on iPad Pro